Suicide and Mass Violence: Why We Must All Insist on an Investigation of Mind-Altering Psychotropic Drugs

In the wake of the recent spate of mass shootings, there’s a story you probably missed. It’s about a potential mass shooting that never happened. It was thwarted by a grandmother. (It’s important to note that the defendant has only been accused, not convicted)

The case illustrates why more mental health treatment is the wrong answer to curbing violence.

On Friday, the US Justice Department issued a press release about the arrest of a young man accused of making false representations to a gun dealer while purchasing an AK-47. It also credited a grandmother for thwarting a potential mass shooting.

Abbott should call a special session to fix foster care

Finding that foster children are “shuttled through a system where rape, abuse, psychotropic medication, and instability are the norm,” a federal court recently ruled that Texans are violating the constitutional rights of our foster children by subjecting them to an unreasonable risk of harm. Gov. Abbott should boldly call a special legislative session to reform foster care and protect these children.

Unconstitutional Detentions by Medical Doctors.  Are your rights at risk?

In true public-health emergency situations, state public-health authorities can quarantine and isolate individuals in order to prevent the spread of communicable and dangerous diseases and infections; these are public-health officials who issue the declarations, not doctors and nurses. There is substantial constitutional authority cited by state and federal governments in support of this power.1

Emails reveal how agency grappled with doctor abuse case, aftermath

Dr. Charles Fischer, a well-regarded doctor with a seemingly unblemished 20-year career at the psychiatric hospital, had been under investigation for more than five months by the Department of Family and Protective Services over accusations that he abused patients in his care. Now the agency’s report was in: Investigators believed that Fischer had sexually abused two teen boys at Austin State Hospital.

Psychiatrist’s License Revoked After Multiple Violations

Psychiatrist Alan T. Lloyd, 51, of San Antonio, had his license pulled by the Texas medical board last month after it discovered he had opened a joint checking account with one of his patients. Lloyd had also prescribed opiates and other dangerous drugs to the patient who had a history of drug abuse, the board found. In 2009, Lloyd was reprimanded for having sex with a woman he was treating.

Psychiatrist Accused in Ft. Hood Shooting Arraigned

The psychiatrist accused of the 2009 Ft. Hood shooting that left 13 dead and numerous people wounded was arraigned last week. He faces 13 counts of pre-meditated murder and 32 counts of attempted pre-meditated murder and, according to media accounts, may face the death penalty.

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