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CCHR Investigates and Exposes Fraud and Abuse
in the Field of Mental Health

A Discussion of Parental Rights and Responsibilities Under the Texas Education Code

What if My School Wants to Psychologically Screen and/or Drug My Child?

Schools in Texas and other states have ramped up mental health services as a “solution” to mass violence. Although there is little, if anything to prove that mental health services can or will prevent violence, or even suicide, you may find yourself receiving endless permission slips or surveys to screen your child. You may find your child answering intrusive questions or being taught mental health theories as if they were facts.

Now, more than ever, you need to know and understand your parental rights.

In Texas, this means being aware of Chapter 26 of the Texas Education Code. You can find it here: . You need to read it.

The Hatch Letter: Protect and Promote Parental Rights in School Mental Health

School Mental Health - Know Your Rights!

Due to Texas legislation passed this year, our school system is undergoing a change. With threat assessment teams and an increased focus on school mental health, parents need to be prepared for intrusive questions, attempts to get them to consent to mental health screening and mental health referrals for their children. Parents with school-aged children need to know their rights.

While there are other tools, one of the first things parents can do is file a statement known as a “Hatch Letter” with their school, putting them on notice that they do not want their child questioned, screened, or exposed to certain material; and expect full access to their child’s records and teaching materials.

If you feel your school is pressuring you to subject your child to unwanted psychiatric screening or treatment, call:
The CCHR Texas: 800-572-2905
If you are a teacher and you feel you are being asked to render mental health or other behavioral observations for which you feel unqualified:
Call CCHR Texas at 800-572-2905
If you know anyone whose mother, wife, sister or father, brother, son, child or friend has been held against their will in a psychiatric hospital or harmed by psychiatric treatment please:
Call CCHR Texas at 800-572-2905 – All names and confidences will be fully protected.

Have school personnel pressured you to put your child on medication, or to accept a mental health screening or treatment?

We want to hear from you.

Call the Citizens Commission on Human Rights – Texas



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