In true public-health emergency situations, state public-health authorities can quarantine and isolate individuals in order to prevent the spread of communicable and dangerous diseases and infections; these are public-health officials who issue the declarations, not doctors and nurses. There is substantial constitutional authority cited by state and federal governments in support of this power.1
Recent presidential executive orders have expanded and solidified this detention power. President Barack Obama signed an executive order on July 31, 2014, amending a previous executive order of Former President George W. Bush, that gives the federal government the power to, “detain and quarantine any individuals confirmed or suspected of having ‘severe acute respiratory syndromes’ that may be transmissible, except for influenza.”2 Many groups see such orders as being on the thin edge of the knife that will then lead to coercive vaccinations.
Source: http://www.wholefoodsmagazine.com/columns/legal-tips/unconstitutional-detentions-medical-doctors
Editor’s Note: This article is intended for information purposes only. Because state and municipal laws vary greatly, as do the circumstances of individual cases, readers are advised to contact an attorney for specific legal advice. © Scott C. Tips 2015