Initiated in 2004 by Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn in a report called “Forgotten Children” investigations started into the overmedication of foster children in Texas.
Reporting date: 2004-04-01
Authorities involved: Department of Family and Protective Services
Case File Report Date
Texas Comptroller Eyes Governor’s Race. 2004-11-12
Strayhorn to investigate alleged drug fraud in foster care 2004-11-12
Use of Psychoactive Medication in Texas Foster Children State Fiscal Year 2005 2006-06-00
Strayhorn: More dying in foster care 2006-06-24
Report finds foster care abuse, neglect 2006-06-25
Critics: States quick to drug foster kids 2007-03-14
Texas Foster Care: Current Issues, Reform Efforts and Remaining Problems 2007-09-00
Psychotropic Medication Patterns Among Youth in Foster Care 2007-12-31
News Tip:Texas Foster Care Scandal? 2008-05-15
Greater Psychotropic Medication Use in Foster Care Raises Concerns 2008-08-04
Some Texas foster kids’ doctors have drug firm ties 2008-08-17