HOUSTON, TX – Julie Ketterman of KHA Lawyers, PLLC, is passionate about defending families and the rights of parents in cases involving Child Protective Services (CPS), a program of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. The case workers and administration at CPS are responsible for investigating reports of child abuse, placing children in foster care and providing services to children and families. Frequently, CPS also removes children from their homes and places them with foster-to-adoptive parents. According to Ketterman, this is happening far too often.
“The role of CPS has changed over the years,” Ketterman said. “They have become too powerful and have shifted their focus from offering guidance and support to acting as a punitive force.” Historically, CPS would provide in-home services to help stabilize families in need of assistance and maintain children in their home. Preventing child abuse and ensuring a safe home environment was the ultimate goal.
– See more at: http://fatcatwebproductions.com/ThePaper_2014/md-thenews/content/gutsy-attorney-outs-too-powerful-texas-cps-baby-mill-agenda-0#sthash.HmntfTpK.dpuf