When it comes to protecting children, Greg Abbott just doesn’t get it.
According to emails obtained by the Texas Tribune, Abbott took a personal interest in the January 2015 murder of a two-month old girl who had been removed from her mother by Child Protective Services and placed temporarily with a family friend. Justice Hull was drowned in a bowl of water by the family friend’s 14-year-old daughter, who told authorities she didn’t want her mom to adopt the child.
“In the days following the infant’s death, Abbott’s aides sent dozens of emails to executives at the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services,” the Trib reported, “seeking to understand how Child Protective Services had allowed Hull to live in a home where she would be murdered, and trying to determine how many other children might be at risk.”
Hull was just one of three CPS-related deaths in as many months. The Trib also reported that Abbott emailed department officials after the accidental shooting death of four-year-old Codrick McCall, and the death of three-year-old Audrey Torres, killed in a car accident caused by her drunk-driving dad.
Source: Foster Care, Dead Children, and Greg Abbott’s Cognitive Dissonance HOUSTON PRESS