The Citizens Commission on Human Rights Texas (CCHR Texas) is a non-profit mental health watchdog that has long fought to restore basic unalienable human rights to the field of mental health throughout Texas, including, but not limited to, full informed consent regarding the medical legitimacy of psychiatric diagnosis, the risks of psychiatric treatments, the right to all available medical alternatives, and the right to refuse any treatment considered harmful. The CCHR network was co-founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus Dr. Thomas Szasz at a time when patients were being warehoused in institutions and stripped of all constitutional, civil and human rights.
About CCHR Texas

CCHR Investigates and Exposes Fraud and Abuse
in the Field of Mental Health
If you feel your school is pressuring you to subject your child to unwanted psychiatric screening or treatment, call:
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights – Texas: 800-572-2905
If you are a teacher and you feel you are being asked to render mental health or other behavioral observations for which you feel unqualified:
Call CCHR Texas at 800-572-2905
Get in Touch
We are here to help!
The Hatch Letter: Protect and Promote Parental Rights in School Mental Health
School Mental Health - Know Your Rights!

Due to Texas legislation passed this year, our school system is undergoing a change. With threat assessment teams and an increased focus on school mental health, parents need to be prepared for intrusive questions, attempts to get them to consent to mental health screening and mental health referrals for their children. Parents with school-aged children need to know their rights.
While there are other tools, one of the first things parents can do is file a statement known as a “Hatch Letter” with their school, putting them on notice that they do not want their child questioned, screened, or exposed to certain material; and expect full access to their child’s records and teaching materials.
Why we must all insist on an investigation of mind-altering psychotropic drugs
Suicide and Mass Violence

By Lee Spiller, Executive Director Citizens Commissions on Human Rights Texas
In the wake of the recent spate of mass shootings, there’s a story you probably missed. It’s about a potential mass shooting that never happened. It was thwarted by a grandmother. (It’s important to note that the defendant has only been accused, not convicted)
The case illustrates why more mental health treatment is the wrong answer to curbing violence.
On Friday, the US Justice Department issued a press release about the arrest of a young man accused of making false representations to a gun dealer while purchasing an AK-47. It also credited a grandmother for thwarting a potential mass shooting.
What’s particularly disturbing is that when federal officials went to his hotel room to recover the firearms, they also found a bag with documents related to his history of depression, along with antidepressant drugs.
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